This directory contains structural models described in the two references below. In the PDB format atom entries we follow the following naming convention for the X-PLOR style segment IDs: ACT = actin ATP = Adenosine triphosphate MG = Mg2+ ion HOH = water molecules Some water molecules evaporated during simulation. The files contain slightly fewer water molecules than described in the manuscripts (only water molecules adjacent to actin are included). The models correspond to the following figure captions in the manuscript: ----------------------------------------- H73HMS.pdb [1] Fig. 7A H73HSD.pdb [1] Fig. 7B H73HSP.pdb [1] Fig. 7C [2] Fig. 9B H73HSE.pdb [1] Fig. 7D [2] Fig. 9A H73R.pdb [1] Fig. 7E H73E.pdb [1] Fig. 7F H73HSE_D179R.pdb [2] Fig. 9C H73HSE_D179N.pdb [2] Fig. 9D H73E_D184R.pdb [2] Fig. 9E H73E_D179R.pdb [2] Fig. 9F OH73HMS.pdb [2] Fig. 10A OH73HSE.pdb [2] Fig. 10B OH73HSP.pdb [2] Fig. 10C OH73E_D179R.pdb [2] Fig. 10D ----------------------------------------- References: [1] Xiaoyi Yao, Stephanie Grade, Willy Wriggers, and Peter Rubenstein. His73, Often Methylated, Is an Important Structural Determinant for Actin - A Mutagenic Analysis of H73 of Yeast Actin. J. Biol. Chem., 1999, Vol. 274, pp. 37443-37449. [2] Xiaoyi Yao, Vinh Nguyen, Willy Wriggers, and Peter Rubenstein. Regulation of Yeast Actin Behavior by Interaction of Charged Residues Across the Interdomain Cleft. J. Biol. Chem., 2002, In Press. ----------------------------------------- Questions / feedback: Please contact Willy Wriggers (wriggers "at" Last update 04/12/02